Overview Cameo House Community Options for Youth (COY) Detention Diversion Advocacy Program (DDAP) Expert Witness, Court Navigation, & Sentencing Mitigation Services Juvenile Collaborative Reentry Unit (JCRU) No Violence Alliance (NoVA) Overview Technical Assistance California Sentencing Institute Next Generation Fellowship Legislation Transparency & Accountability

(ISSN 1530 – 3012) From the editor Justice Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 2: Spring 2003 From the editor By Daniel Macallair, MPA Editorial Statement Manuscripts submitted to JPJ cannot have been published elsewhere, including the internet. They cannot be under consideration by another journal or publication outlet. Upon publication, authors must sign a copyright agreement with the Justice Policy Journal . Justice Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 2: Spring 2003 By Edward…

(ISSN 1530 – 3012 ) From the editor Justice Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1: August 2001 From the editor By Daniel Macallair, MPA Editorial Statement Manuscripts submitted to the Justice Policy Journal cannot have been published elsewhere, including the Internet. They cannot be under consideration by another journal or publication outlet. Upon publication, author(s) must sign a Copyright Agreement with the Justice Policy Journal. Justice Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1:…

(ISSN 1530 – 3012) From the editor Waiver of Juveniles to Criminal Court: Judicial Discretion and Racial Disparity The View From the Other Side of the Fence: Incarcerated Women Talk about Themselves Focus on Family and Fatherhood: Lessons from Fairfax County’s Responsible Fatherhood Program for Incarcerated Dads Doing Jail Time: The Socialization Process of a County Jail Environment From the editor By Randall G. Shelden, M.A., Ph.D. From the Editor I would like to welcome…

(ISSN 1530 – 3012) From the editor The System-Wide Effects of Capital Punishment on the American Criminal Justice System: The Use of Computer Modeling in Death Penalty Research Improving Compliance and Producing Positive Outcomes in the Mental Health Court Setting, with a Brief Look at Dynamic Risk Management Degradation, Apathy, and Acceptable Casualties: Serving Time in a Women’s Federal Correctional Institute Adolescent Risk-Taking as a Justification for Paternalistic Legal…

(ISSN 1530 – 3012) From the editor Three Strikes and You’re In: The Effect of Ewing v. California and Three Strikes Legislation on Prison Population and Resource Management Technology-Driven Literacy Programs as a Tool for Re-connecting Incarcerated Mothers and their Children: Assessing their Need and Viability in a Federal Prison Research Brief: Is There Justice in the Juvenile Justice System? Examining the Role of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Political and Demographic…