CJCJ’s response to Governor Jerry Brown’s FY 2014 – 15 Budget May Revision.
On Thursday, May 8, California’s Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) heard a series of presentations from its Juvenile Justice Standing Committee (JJSC) around data, education, and disproportionate minority contact or confinement in the juvenile justice system.
Blog May 6, 2014
Named legislation rarely protects the public
Bills authored in response to specific events are well-meaning but will rarely result in good public policy.
Newsroom May 5, 2014
CJCJ in the news: Valley community leaders come to Fresno to learn about Night Walk
The Fresno Bee references CJCJ’s analysis of Fresno’s zip codes and homicide rates.
CJCJ’s April 2014 Newsletter