Blog Nov 27, 2014
Ferguson Redux: The Fire This Time
The fates of Michael Brown and Eric Garner were not isolated incidents. Indeed, they represent the entire country and the near apartheid-conditions that exist in this so-called “post-racial America.”
Blog Nov 25, 2014
Cameo House: A Partnership to Help Mothers Succeed
In partnership with the San Francisco Adult Probation Department, CJCJ’s Cameo House now serves as an alternative sentencing program for pregnant and parenting women in San Francisco County.
CJCJ, with generous support from the Zellerbach Family Foundation, is thrilled to announce the launch of Seal It, a new resource to help people seal their juvenile records.
Blog Nov 18, 2014
After Proposition 47: Following the money
Two weeks ago, California voters ushered in a landmark opportunity to reduce the state’s over-reliance on incarceration. Now it’s up to advocates to make sure the savings get into the right hands.
Nov 10, 2014
CJCJ in the news: Juvenile arrests plunge by half
The Orange County Register highlights CJCJ’s research on youth crime trends.