Feb 12, 2016
CJCJ in the news: Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton Accepted Almost the Same Amount of Prison Lobbyist Donations
The Huffington Post reports on Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio receiving campaign contributions from private prison lobbies, and cites CJCJ statistics showing racial disparities in the justice system.
Feb 11, 2016
CJCJ in the news: Rising crime in Long Beach stoking anxieties among police, politicians
Southern California Public Radio (SCPR) asks to CJCJ’s Mike Males to comment on whether or not Proposition 47 has effected crime in Long Beach.
Feb 10, 2016
CJCJ in the news: Others States Can Learn from Changes to Juvenile Justice in California
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (JJIE) publishes an op-ed by CJCJ executive director, Daniel Macallair, on the success of California systemic changes to its juvenile justice system.
The Daily Journal’s L.J. Williamson tackles the question of closing California’s state youth correctional facilities, and quotes CJCJ’s Daniel Macallair on why local facilities are the superior option.
After a mother in Saskatoon called for the imposition of a 10 pm curfew on youth, CBC Saskatoon interviewed CJCJ’s Mike Males on the failure of youth curfews to curb crime or deter gang activity.