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CJCJ’s response to Governor Jerry Brown’s FY 2014 – 15 Budget May Revision.

On Thursday, May 8, California’s Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) heard a series of presentations from its Juvenile Justice Standing Committee (JJSC) around data, education, and disproportionate minority contact or confinement in the juvenile justice system.

Bills authored in response to specific events are well-meaning but will rarely result in good public policy.

The Board of State and Community Corrections is responsible for allocating $80 million dollars in juvenile facility construction funding. It is time to use this fiscal allocation differently and change the shape of California’s juvenile justice system.

SB 838 could dramatically increase the number of youth tried and sentenced in the adult criminal justice system. CJCJ strongly opposes this bill because it fails to deter crime, denies young people opportunities for education and rehabilitation, and threatens public safety.