Trump’s address reveals dangerous misconceptions. Drugs and crime in America have virtually nothing to do with immigrants, foreigners, or youth.
Blog Feb 28, 2017
“Teen Brain” Non-Science Debunked
Recent scientific reviews have debunked neurological studies which found youth to be more crime prone, but statistical realities showing dramatic drops in youth crime were demolishing such claims for decades.
Daniel Macallair testifies before California Assembly committee; CJCJ authors two editorials in national news platforms; Implementing Proposition 57 and sentencing reform in 2017
The California Alliance for Youth and Community Justice, a coalition of youth justice organizations, gathered to celebrate the successful passage of Proposition 57 and to plan for the future.
CJCJ in the News Feb 21, 2017
California to Trump: What ‘American carnage’? Things are far safer here than in the rest of America
Mike Males pens an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times disputing the claims made by President Trump and his administration.