Blog Aug 14, 2012
San Francisco data collection needs upgrade
An article in the Bay Citizen today sheds much needed light on the importance and lack of accurate data collection in San Francisco. In particular, the article notes the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) underreports the arrests of Latino and Asian residents (the city’s two largest minority groups) by misclassifying them at “white” or “other.” These inaccuracies have significant repercussions that effect not only law enforcement, but policymakers, and local residents. For example in…
CJCJ’s California Sentencing Institute (CASI), released on July 30, featured on Valley Edition on August 7, 2012. CASI shows that on average, Valley counties utilize state and local incarceration more than the rest of the state. As AB 109 criminal justice realignment progresses, these counties are now faced with tough decisions about how to best serve low level offenders locally. With interviews from CJCJ’s Senior Research Fellow Mike Males, and San Francisco Public Defender Jeff…
Undue Influence: the power of Police and Prison Guards’ Unions National Radio Project, August 7, 2012
Counties across the state are facing unprecedented new challenges in their adult and juvenile criminal justice systems. Pressures are increasing on local systems due to adult corrections realignment under Assembly Bill 109 and unprecedented drops in federal funding for rehabilitation of juvenile offenders. California counties are responding to these challenges with a wide variety of responses. While county responses vary, one factor remains constant throughout the state: The…
Oakland police chief pushing for youth curfew ABC7 News, August 3, 2012