Blog May 6, 2013
America is Ranked 29th in Child Well-Being
A review of the UNICEF Report on Child Well-being shows the U.S. is near the bottom of the list across every dimension: poverty, health and safety, education, behaviors/risk, and housing/environment.
Blog May 6, 2013
Meanness and Violence
A colleague and I were talking the other day about how much violence there is in American society. We both admitted that the extent of violence in America exceeded by far every other industrialized democratic society. Why is this, we asked? The pursuit of the almighty dollar was one factor, along with the stress associated with this.
Newsroom May 3, 2013
Underaged & Suppressed?
Mike Males asserts that young people are politically vulnerable and scapegoated when it comes to gun control laws. Listen to the discussion on HuffPost Live.
To meet the court’s mandate by the end of the year, Brown needs to begin releasing identified low-risk inmates now — a step both the federal and the U.S. Supreme Court agree “would be consistent with public safety.”
Newsroom May 1, 2013
OP-ED: The Gun Debate, Round 2: Let’s Learn From Young People, Not Demonize Them
“Bad information breeds expedient, ineffective policy, as exemplified by the administration’s surviving gun initiatives…”