Blog Dec 5, 2013
Standing while black
Some have claimed the “end of racism” in this country. The most recent claim comes from the Republican Party.
California’s next step in drug policy reform needs to be towards nondiscriminatory legalization of medical and recreational marijuana with funding mechanisms to prevent drug abuse. Design considerations for legalization must be informed to avoid federal enforcement, discriminatory effects, and other unintended consequences.
Blog Nov 26, 2013
Another Round of “Knockout Game” Idiocy
Many reporters and experts seem sadistically bent on creating fear in an aging population by manufacturing endless teen-violence panics
New 2012 youth crime data released, publication on a model youth justice program in Solano County, and our journal releases its Fall 2013 edition.
Blog Nov 21, 2013
What’s the deal with data?
In a post-Realignment California, criminal and juvenile justice professionals and advocates require accessible data resources in order to develop state and local policies. Everyone agrees reliable data is necessary to examine the impact of Realignment on California.